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75-100 Gallon Mixers
Pint Mixers
1-2 Gallon Mixers
1-2 Gallon Mixers
1-2 Gallon Mixers
2-5 Gallon Mixers
5-50 Gallon Mixers
5-50 Gallon Mixers
The Jiffy mixers are a product that have been very helpful in our business, the customer service is right on target when you need information on new styles of mixers, proper application and support. It makes my job as a buyer easier when I know I can turn to Jiffy Mixer for help and support. Thanks Jiffy Mixer!!!
“When it comes to mixing epoxy, we have tested dozens of mixing methods, but the Jiffy mixer is the only one that quickly mixes while eliminating the unwanted aeration that can ruin an epoxy pour. The paddle design and the high build quality are just a few of the reasons we choose Jiffy Mixer.”
I’m in Elko, NV delivering epoxy grout for a gold mine project, and providing a Jiffy Mixer blade with the order, compliments of All Grout. We believe our customers are best prepared when they use a Jiffy Mixer blade. The attached images of our recent epoxy floor coating at a power plant, where we used our Jiffy Mixer blades to get the perfect blending of our materials.